Bedbug Control Service in Kanpur & Lucknow
Bed Bugs Treatment
Bedbugs are troublesome household pests. They’re tricky, hard to find, and can create potential health risks for you and your family.
They will hide in suitcases, boxes, and shoes to be near a food supply. They are night-time creatures. They can hide behind baseboards and in cracks, crevices, and folded areas of beds, bedding and adjacent furniture, especially mattresses and box springs. Bed bugs can also hide in electrical switchplates, picture frames, and wallpaper and nearly anywhere inside a home, car, bus, or other shelters. Bed bugs usually come out at night for a blood meal. Bed bugs do not transmit diseases, but after choosing blood your skin becomes itchy & red. After feeding, they move to secluded places and hide for 5-10 days. During this time in the bed bug life cycle, they do not feed but instead digest their meal, mate, and lay eggs.
We have spraying treatment on Bedbugs.
This treatment takes around of 2 hrs for 400-500 Sq.ft area.
This treatment is not a one-time activity or only infected area must be treated but also require whole area or whole flat require to be treated as chances of spread of multiple bed bugs. Also, an egg of bedbugs is resistant to chemicals, as their eggs have a hard coating which protects them from the insecticide. Bedbugs eggs hatching period is 12-15 days, that’s why Bed bugs pest control treatment has to be repeated after 12-15 days interval for complete relief by eradicating the second generation also.
Here are some reasons why you should choose our Bedbug Pest control Treatment:

Service Details :
- Experts do a thorough inspection of hiding spots of bed bugs and inject the areas with advanced chemicals
- A mild odour spray is applied ensuring complete treatment against bed bug
- This is followed by a second round of treatment after 15 days to kill newly hatched bed bugs as their eggs cannot be destroyed at all
Benefits :
- It is highly effective and completely controls infestation of Bed bugs at home ensuring no bed bugs are found in the infected places post treatment
Service Timeframe :
- 45 Days service includes 2 services at intervals of 15 days
- 90 Days service includes 4 services
- If you have any complaints after the service, our technicians will resolve it at no extra charges.
- Since you will never know where bed bugs are coming from and to ensure that you do not have a repeat Bed Bug attack, speak to our experts for the best bed bug control solution for you and we advise you to take our 100% Assurance 1 Year Extended Warranty while booking the order.
- With a 1 Year Extended Warranty, if you face any problem post your contract expiry our technicians will resolve it at no extra charges.
- We offer the best termite pest control services in Kanpur & Lucknow.
- Best in class chemicals, approved by the Central Insecticides Board are used against target pests at recommended dosages.
- Our pest control termite service is safe for children, pets, pregnant women and persons with allergy.
- Local termite pest control service providers use cheap chemicals that only repel termites and cause them to spread further while damaging your property.
- Krypton Pest Control uses non-repellent chemical that kills even the last termite present in the premises. Our technicians are verified, highly skilled and trained.
Frequently Asked Question
Bed Bugs are hitch hikers and can come into your homes from holiday travels, flights, movie theatres, clothes received from ironing and even cabs. Since you will never know where they are coming from, always call the experts for a regular inspection and bed bug treatment.
A clean home is not proofed against bed bugs. Professional inspection and bed bug treatment solutions are best. Bed bugs can migrate from anywhere through your clothes or luggage into your home. Good housekeeping won’t prevent or eliminate a bed bug problem, though regular inspections and beg bug control helps. Bed bugs thrive even in upscale hotels or spotless homes. Thus, professional bed bug pest control helps.
Our experts do a thorough inspection of hiding spots of bed bugs in your homes, and inject the areas with advanced chemicals. This is followed by a second round treatment after 15 days to kill the newly hatched bed bugs, as their eggs cannot be destroyed. This is what makes professional bed bug pest control the only lasting solution.
It takes 45 minutes to one hour to complete the bed bug treatment. The time taken varies depending on the extent of the infestation because bed bugs can lay up to 10 eggs per day
We inspect every seam and fold of the mattress to identify their location and do a thorough treatment. This is followed by a second round of bed bugs control after 15 days to kill newly hatched bed bugs as their eggs cannot be destroyed. So, the total process could take around 2-4 weeks for you to see results.
The 45 days contract covers 2 services with a gap of 15 days. The 90 days contract covers 4 services at interval of 15-20 days. If you have any complaints after the service, our technicians will resolve it at no extra charges.
Bed bugs are hitchhikers, so you will never know where they are coming from. There is a high chance of new bed bugs entering your home from your travel or holidays. Thus, knowing how to get rid of bed bugs at home it is advisable and it’s also to take an extended warranty at a minimal cost to ensure yearlong safety.